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Vogelstein Review



Vogelstein Press is a small academic publishing company that also publishes serious, non-academic, works. The aim is to produce good quality eBooks that are also available as low cost paperbacks.

After a manuscript is accepted for publication we opperate on a cooperative basis. Before that all manuscripts are peer reviewed with careful attention to the intended audience and type of publication. Thus, academic books are sent out for review to at least two academics who are in a position to evanluate them in terms of their scholarship and contribution to knowledge.

Other works, intended for a popular, but not necessarlily academic, readership are sent to people who are in a position to evaluate them in terms of their content and suitability for the target audience. Consequently, with works aimed at Christian readers we send the books to ministers and others who are in a position to evaluate them in terms of their content and impact on the reader.

Once a book is accepted for publication the press operates on a co-operative basis. This means that it is the author's responsibility to provide photo ready print copy that is well written and proofed. It is then the author's responsibility to see that the manuscirpt is converted into various eBook formats that can be uploaded to Internet outlets. Because most authors cannot do this themselves we recommend people who can undertake this work and produce book covers etc. for a small fee or on a profit sharing basis.

The press also asks authors to contribute 15% of their royalties towards the cost of overheads, publicity, etc. Otherwise the price of each book is set by the author, in consultation with the press. Thus, the author receives the 85% of the royalties once distribution fees charged by sales outlets like Amazon and Barnes and Noble are deducted.



Vogelstein Press Mountain View